

Ayer en el pub Quitapenas del Golf, en Alicante, la noche de chicas resultó todo un éxito.

Entre variados aperitivos varias tiendas expusimos nuestros productos durante unas horas: zapatos, ropa, tiendas de estética y el stand estrella: Cama de Rosas tuppersex.

Junto a nuestras vecinas y clientas del pub pasamos una agradable velada “Solo para chicas” y como colofón nos deleitaron con un espectacular striptease masculino.

~ por CamaDeRosas en febrero 5, 2012.

Una respuesta to “Quitapenas”

  1. Concerning shop from an store store, the idea you get in your head is that the products offered by such store are of good standard and superior quality. Very basic never shop from a particular unknown store, but always would rather shop at official outlet store, suppose if you wish to buy Coach Products, then always to select Coach Factory Outlet Stores because there you can get the genuine product from Coach manufacturers. Similarly, if you happen to shopping online, then don’t forget to vacation at the Coach Online Outlet Stores where you are likely to again find the established products of Coach.These outlet stores can even be found at big stores; moreover they only sell the genuine products of the designers so there is no issue of getting replacement product at such merchants, but keep in mind that pricing from the original products is a little bit high, and you don’t want to compare there prices, because comparing immediately original product with any replica will confuse you will.

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